Okay, let's get the business part of this out of the way. If you're reading this and you know me or you've read my other blog That's Why, you know that I'm way more interested in goofing around than I am in what's traditionally considered hard work.
So why am I currently working three paid jobs?
(1) My primary job is in the position of V.P. of Programs and Services for a trade association serving Georgia and Alabama. Sounds fancy AND shmancy, doesn't it? Well, let's just say that title does sound good.
(2) I also have a part time job as a legal assistant for a couple of attorneys who practice consumer law.
(3) My third job, which I think best combines all that I do well, doesn't feel like a job at all. I'm an independent consultant with BeautiControl. Why? Because I've decided that if anyone is going to profit from my hard work - it
(4) The "job" I love most, however, is writing. It's not a job, it's a calling, so to speak. And just as I seem so loaded up on other have-to things, I've decided that I will write each and every day. Sometimes I'll write here. Sometimes I'll write at That's Why. But mostly I'll be writing privately on two books I plan to publish - a fiction and a non-fiction.
So with all of this, my family responsibilities, a very long commute, pets and a house - you can see why I feel like I need to relax.
How about you? Could you use some relaxation? Are you stressed?
If you're like me, you can't afford to toddle off to the day spa every couple of weeks for treatments that leave you feeling relaxed and pampered until you get in your car to drive home and your cell phone rings. It's your son calling to remind you that he needs money added to his school lunch balance. Meanwhile, you hear your youngest in the background hollering about needing book fair money on Thursday. While all this is going on, your phone beeps so you hang up, and check the screen to see your oldest has texted you that she'll need a little extra this month for pointe shoes. Just as you're about to run over the car in front of you because you're distracted by the pure joy of it all, your husband calls and asks you to just pick up some dinner because he won't have time to cook before taking off for baseball practice with your son. Smartly, you figure you'd better go to the bank for cash before going to the drive up window and discovering that you've been declined.
And since you just spent $130 on those wonderfully relaxing spa treatments and the spa didn't take their sweet time processing your debit card, you can at least heave a sigh of relief that you found out now that there's $14.56 in your account, instead of when you got up to the McDonald's drive up window to pick up your $16.12 order.
Somehow that relaxing spa break didn't last. Go figure.
But you know, relaxation shouldn't be just for the wealthy. Nor should it come from a prescription or a bottle in a brown paper bag. Most of the time.
I've found something that I can afford and it lasts because after I've been treated to the spa, I can take the products home and spa myself whenever I damn well feel like it.
And yes - I just used the noun spa as a verb.
I'm going to use this blog to share with you how I relax (the legal stuff, at least) and how I make both my dollars stretch and my life more full of purpose and the things I love. I'll be doing it in the way you're used to - videos, vlogs, interpretive dance, pictures and the occasional sing along. All that you expect from me and more, see?
Now, here's the real business part. (Please note that if you stop reading now, you'll be visited in your restless sleep by three ghosts - your skin past, present and future. You've been warned.)
Thank you for visiting Spa - my BeautiControl blog. Here you will find helpful information about relaxation, skin care, wellness and beauty. However, for the most up to date information and for customized answers to your specific needs, please email me or call today!
While you are here, you can:
- Learn more about, shop for and purchase BeautiControl Products
- Book an in-home spa for yourself and your friends (if you are hosting the spa, you will receive free gifts. Who doesn't like free stuff?)
- Become a BeautiControl Consultant to receive great discounts and earn extra income.
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